And You Meet A Lover hd 720p
And You Meet A Lover
45% Complete
00:00:00 / 00:45:02
Title:And You Meet A Lover
Genre:: Drama
First Air Date: 2025-03-01
Last Air Date: 2025-03-12
Number of Seasons: 1
Number of Episodes: 30
Runtime: min
Overview: Shattered by her husband’s marriage to another, Leil leaves him and soon falls for his brother. As she hides their romance, she discovers that the other woman is a criminal, forcing her into a battle for love and justice.
Stars: Yasmin Abdulaziz (Lail AlHosaini), Karim Fahmy (Fares Abo AlAzem), Badria Tolba (), Eman Al Sayyed (), Nicole Saba (Ruqaya Al Askari), Khaled Selim (يوسف ابو العزم), Anoushka (اجلال ابو العزم), Salah Abdallah (عبد العزيز ابو العزم), Rashwan Tawfiq (), Bassant Shawqi (فرح الحسينى), Nada Moussa (), Hanan Soliman (الهام رووف وهبة), Mahmoud Amr Yassin (حازم ابو العزم), Menna Arafa (شهد منصور الرفاعي), Enjy Kiwan (كاريمان العسكري), Passant Ahmed Abu Basha (إنچي), Batool Al Haddad (نعمة), ريم رأفت (زينة), Karim Abdel Khaleq (رزق عبدالله السيد)


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